AXN's Johnny Moves GEN2 1980s Designs Into Manufacturing & Production

I’am so very happy. I want to thank the people that continue to urge us on to make these 1980s throw-back guitars. My shop has completed all my refinements and they are being manufactured by my team and I as we speak. [ heres the video announcement ]

I resigned all the guitars on CAD. I put a whole shit-ton of 1980s aesthetics and 1980s dynamics including unique attributes fully into my guitars. Things… little details that only I would remember. Things that were lost in the 1990s and were intrinsic of only 1980s guitars. These are exclusively in my AXNs. This includes fast and unique neck profiles and secret formulas used by the great 1980s luthiers. The luthiers and the brands that you all know and loved so much.

Only a small boutique shop like AXN can do this accurate guitar recreation. That is because we are a nimble and precise manufacturing unit.

Again, I thank those of you that send positive emails and comments on my INSTAGRAM & YOUTUBE streams. You are close to my heart!!!

KEEP IN TOUCH!!!! Always


By the way if you want an inside view of our shop and the art we create there…

watch my personal INSTAGRAM @johnnyaxn

click the below video to get the announcement