AXN Guitars - BareKnuckle Holy Diver AXN Custom Pickup order arrives 04/06/2022

Hey Brothas, my crazy custom specifications on this BareKnuckle Holy Diver is below.

I love the guys at BareKnuckle. We worked on my custom Holy Diver AXN pickup for a while and now. Its 100% done. Just a few tweaks make it different and better than in 2021. Its the best pickup in the world for Heavy RockNRoll!

Theres is not much else to say other than its costly for us to keep these in our AXNs. But hey, we are still just a small boutique manufacturer. The guys at BareKnuckle are way more creative and proficient at their art than anyone or any other pickup maker I’ve ever met. So get you an AXN BareKnuckle in your new AXN Guitar!

My AXN BareKnuckle Custom Pups are quite special. I messed with the resistance and a few other secrets I learned from the dudes that obsess over winding pickups. I dialed it in for harder more challenging rocknroll. Its just another reason why my AXN guitars are all out badass MFers! Get You An AXN Guitar !!!!!

Custom Order Designed With BareKnuckle Sales and AXN Guitars

  • Holydiver - Bridge

    AXN Custom

  • Type

    Custom Wind

  • Pole Spacing


  • Strings


  • Top Bobbin Colour


  • Bottom Bobbin Colour


  • Conductor

    Braided 2 wire

  • Pole Screw

    Undisclosed - some real mojo inside this beotch

  • Resistance 

    14.7 oHms ( Custom )

  • Leg Length

    Short (1/4")
