AXN™ Introduces Another Period Correct Vintage 80s Body Style

Vintage & New Body Style - AXN™ Introduces Another Period Correct Vintage 80s Body Style Into the 2020 Line of Guitars.

This body style would appear typical at first glance. Some of you guys might call it a Jackson Dinky or an ESP Kamikaze body shape. Could it be a 1989 Baretta 2 guitar body shape? This design is a favorite for some yet for others its sleek lines stray away from a traditional Fender Stratocaster just a bit to far.

The pictures posted here were taken in 2019. Shown is an AXN™ Prototype body. It has 2 piece maple construction with a center seem. With AXN circular control cavity in the back. A single humbucker is the only pickup. The tremolo posts are for a modern Floyd Rose Original Tremolo. In 2020 we have moved to the Flat Head type mid-1980s tremolo posts for period correct authenticity.

Maple wood brings you back to the 80s. It was known to be a popular wood for the famous shredders of the day. Now they use alder guitars because its a lighter wood and easier on the back.