AXN™ Guitars Made to Spec in The USA

AXN Guitars are created, designed and manufactured by Johnny and his team. He is considered the Sensei of Vintage 1980s guitars. This term was applied to Johnny by his friends, colleagues and fellow vintage Gibson and Fender guitar collector nerds.

In this world of collectors “period correct” is everything. And everything AXN manufactures is inspired by the glory days of of 1980s Metal guitars.

If one would spend the time to take a closer look and compare what was [ in the 1980s ]. Then refer back to what is being manufactured by Johnny and his team today… It is logical to conclude that AXN guitars are absolutely 100% period correct.

This guitar is an 2020 AXN Model ‘83. This model was inspired by my authentic 1983 Kramer Baretta collectors item guitar I have here in my home. Over the years, I sampled and recorded on paper notes the specifications from five actual 1983 Kramer Barettas in order to develop this accurate period correct AXN retro-model. Every neck specification and body contour of or retro-model AXN ‘83 is 100% accurate and period correct.

For late 2020 and 2021 we are now painting these in the exact 1980s Kramer paint color “creme”. The paint color was effectively cloned. We sampled the color from our 1983 Kramer Baretta and we are spraying a limited amount of these in nitrocellulose lacquer for 2020-2021.

We put the same amount of effort into all our throw-back guitars. We use science, actual data and experience!

Johnny - AXN Guitars

For more information on the AXN process for duplicating accurately the specifications of a 1980s guitar pleas refer back to this post >>
