Don’t Buy Made in China Guitars


No matter what country we live in we all shop and buy stuff thats made in china one way or another. Maybe its a power tool or maybe its the tires on our car or truck but one way or another we und up buying Chinese junk whether we know it or not.

Its one thing to go replace the toilet seat and purchase something made in some factory in china. It unavoidable because it just so happens that ALL the toilet seats are made in china and we have no choice.

Now the thing is with guitars we do have a choice.

There are many boutique guitar builders here in the USA and in your country that build exceptional guitars and these builders are not selling us all out by manufacturing guitars in china and importing them just to make a buck.

The even more surreal thing is basically in all guitar price ranges there are the Chinese guitars and non-chinese guitars.

You don’t have to buy them... just face it you don’t need to buy Chinese in any price range >>> Here is Why.

#1 Stop China’s Unfair Trade Practices - Don’t Buy Made in China

#2 Don’t Help China Buy Up Your country ( for me its America ) - Don’t Buy Made in China

#3: Don’t Help Finance China’s Military Buildup - Don’t Buy Made in China

#4: Defend Your Community’s money base keep you dollars local for your community - Don’t Buy Made in China

#5: Save America’s Jobs and the jobs in your home country - Don’t Buy Made in China.

#6: Save Jobs and the jobs in your home country - Don’t Buy Made in China.

* China manipulate their currency, have poor working conditions for their workers and destroyed the environment with toxic refuse that reaches us all.