Fernandes FST-60J Jeff Beck Stratocaster


Fernandes FST-60J Jeff Beck Stratocaster Model

In 1979-80 Tokai manufactured this stratocaster guitar for Fernandes. This Jeff Beck model was listed as FST-60J on their catalog.

However, the specification of this guitar is slightly different from the catalog this one has 21 frets. It just may be a prototype.

It is said that in the 1970s Jeff Beck toured Japan using a guitar that was identical to this with the very unique wiring. This wiring is known by collectors of everything Jeff Beck as nothing less than "Jeff Beck Wiring". Vintage Japan guitar enthusiasts consider this Fernandes guitar a guitar of very high quality.

Fernandes in Japan made this model before they started the Fernandes Revival Series line and Japanese collectors identify the logo as "Stone Logo" type.

The body is SEN or Japanese Ash with most of the examples we've seen having great woods which appear quarter-sawn. The necks are one piece maple with a rosewood finger board.  The neck profile is standard C.